Thursday, March 22, 2012

the Gershwin Hotel

So this time we were in New York. We' d just arrived at the Gershwin Hotel (it's a fantastic artistic hotel in Midtown Manhattan, totally recommend it) and this girl was playing the guitar and singing with her magical voice at the hotel cafe-bar.. I was thrilled and left hanging there, ... (read more downstairs)
paying attention to every single movement of her lips. She kinda looked like Monika, and also sounded like Monika, at least at my eyes and ears. She was beautiful. At that moment, that only lasted for a few seconds, but in my mind forever, my friends told me that we had to check in the rooms. Anyway, we did and then we returned to the bar, but unfortunately the show was over. The girl was still there, chatting with some friends so I walked up to her and complimented her singing and playing. She was pleased. I also told her about Monika and their resemblance. It was at that moment that Phil interrupted our conversation and told me that we had to go to get something to eat. She really seemed to be interested in me and I was ready to go and start the conversation all over again, but Phil made up his mind and his decision was irreversible. He was hungry. There was really nothing I could do to resist his hunger but still I tried convincing him to stay a bit longer. He said to me "Stavros, I'm hungry, I have to eat, we need to go now!" So we did.. After we had eaten, I complained to him about his behaviour and he replied "Yes, I know you were going to marry this one.." "Well" said I, "Maybe I was.."


  1. damn you Phil.. first time a good story is ruined by a belly

  2. Even the "baker" didn't manage to persuade this guy...

  3. "Goodmorning gentlemen" as Phill would say.

    It's a shame to lose a marriage with a beautiful singer in Manhatan because of a begel with Philadelphia. I am sure Phill still can't sleep at night!

    P.S I am waiting a story from another hotel including a blue room :)





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