Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Compilation CD

One of the things I love doing is listening to music while driving my car.. It helps ease my mind, gather my thoughts (well, when I happen to have any, which is a rare phenomenon..!).. Sometimes I even take some very important decisions while driving and listening to music.. You know, like, have a coke or an orangeade with dinner.. things like that..! Just kidding!

Anyway, the thing is ... (read more downstairs)
that the music part is not that simple (wel, the driving part either, as you need to have a license to do it..). It's not just like listening to the radio, which in other places might've been great, but unfortunately, where I live right now there are no many radio stations worth listening to.. So, this creates the need for a compilation CD; Yes, a compilation CD, not a tape, not an mp3, but a CD. It's these 20 songs more or less, that may require a few hours ot even days to be picked out, one by one, and put in the right order, so that the final outcome is good. And like Rob says in "High Fidelity", there are rules you need to follow when making a compilation CD (well, he actually talks about making a compilation tape but I mostly grew up listening to CDs, tapes as well, but not as much as CDs.. I'd love to 've lived that with vinyl records, but what can a man do..)

Its person has his own rules about how to do that, that expresses his or her feelings about how to shape his/ her compilation. It's like shaping a piece of art (or does this go too far? maybe, maybe not..).. One of my habits, apart from the rules is to compose one or a couple of these CDs at certain periods of the year and then name them after them or in relation to their content or whatever they feel like being. For example during summer, or Christmas (Christmas 2008 Double Malt, or Mixed up emotions...).

Spring is here for good, or at least I hope that the weather is gonna stay that way, so I guess it's time for a new compilation! Let the inspiration come! 

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