Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why not kill your free time then?

Saturday. Around 1 am. I was laying in bed, ready to sleep, when the phone rang. It was a friend. He said they were going for a beer with J. and that I should join them. I was a bit tired but still decided to go out. It was a very crowded night ... (read more downstairs)
as it was in the middle of the film festival of Thessaliniki (a good time to go out!). We tried to go to quite a few places, but they were all full. After an hour of walking and not finding a place where we could stay, we arrived at this bar called Sante'. Guess what; it was full, just like the others.. While we were standing right there in the middle, cursing our luck, this weird couple approached us. The guy was around 45 with a bit grey hair, and the girl just under 30, preety, with a crazy spark in her eyes. They were actors, probably stoned at the moment, and they asked us for a place where they could go and listen to some live rock music. We held a mini conference and after the verdict came in, gave them directions for a bar called "Funkey" (by the way this bar has changed name and is now a jazz bar, whixh is cool, but it's "Funkey"- it needs to be an underground rock bar with live music; it's tradition!). They thanked us and then left. The place was still full, so we decided to go as well. When we got out, and while trying to think where to go next, a car closed with us and the driver (the actor), said: "Guys, would you like us to drop you some place?" We looked at each other, ok, it's a guy and a girl, and it's three of us... What can they do? So we said what the fuck (every now and then say what the fuck. What the fuck gives you freedom, freedom brings opportunity, opportunity makes your future - "Risky business"), why not? So, we got on. The car was going like a snake from the right side of the road to the left. It almost touched some of the parked cars on both sides of the road a couple of times. Lucky for us, he was going slow so he was able to control the vehicle (in a manner of speaking).. For the whole time we were in the car, the girl was standing on the co-driver's seat, staring directly into our eyes and examining us. Finally, she spoke and said to one of my friends: "I like you best, coz you have more meat than the others" (he was a bit chubby). Then she started asking us questions about what we were doing and other general staff, nothing in particular.. Anyway, when we were closing to our destination we told the guy that he had to park somewhere. And so he did. In front of a bus stop, at a very central street of the city.. We got off the car and started walking and chatting with them. My friend, the one that had more meet than us, was a few steps behind talking with the girl. We couldn't hear what they were saying, even though something like that would be totally inappropriate, no matter the level of our curiosity. After a while we had to split and say goodbye to each other. And then came a funny, yet a bit awkward moment; my friend (meat), gave the guy a friendly hit in the shoulder and he immediately looked at his hand which had frozen there for a few moments. He removed it slowly and after that we went our separate ways.. Our curiosity could not wait no longer so we asked him what the girl was sayin'. The conversation went like that:
Girl: Do you like your friends?
J: Well, they are my friends, of course I like them, what do you mean?
Girl: Well if you don't like them, I can kill them, I got a lot of free time..
J: So why not kill your free time then?
Girl: Hmm, you think?


That night we didn't manage to get a drink, we walked almost 3 miles, going back and forth, we met a couple of crazy people but still we had fun and it was a night different than the others..

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