Sunday, March 25, 2012

Days of "Flou"

We were having a beer at this bar, that really had a wide range of beers from all around the world, great music and a weird eccentric but nice decoration... We used to go there a lot, but as time went by, more men and less women were going at a point that it started getting annoying... So one night it was like 20 men in there and 2 women (the waitress and some guy's
girlfriend).. It was becoming a gay bar.. We couldn't stand it no more and left. We were thinking of where to go next, and that is when ... (read more downstairs)
we noticed this place that was always there, right next to the first bar, that kinda looked like a house, but where we'd never been. so we decided to walk in. it was like the gates of eden opened before our eyes (a bit exaggerating here). We
entered. The place was full. It was like a house from the inside as well, people were sitting at some of the tables, others were at the bar and some others were just standing enjoying their drinks and chatting.. The music was fantastic and the mix of people was good too. We liked it right away and
from that day it became our hangout. We usually chose tuesdays or thursdays right after my italian class and stayed there until 4 am.. We used to have a great time. People with style and character used to come (us) and
the place had a vibe of each own that created a very friendly atmosphere and was connecting its residents. One more thing; Clint Eastwood was the owner of the bar, so during the film festival of thessaloniki, quite a few actors and actresses used to come and have a drink. Ok, it wasn't the real Clint Eastwood but he looked like him so this is how we called him.

That goes back in 2006.

It's been a while since i last been there but if you ever decide to go, you may be lucky and bump into a company of engineers, who talk about important business, construction of highway junctions, tunnels, or wastewater treatment and management, impressing beautiful young ladies.. If you do, don't hesitate and talk to them.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha i really enjoyed this post my friend!
    lucky engineers... :P





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