Sunday, March 18, 2012

for 12

So, it's time for another story...

We were invited to this party in Stratford (tha's in East London).. We kept it low because we had high expectaions as for what we were about to find there, so only the two adventurers went, even though there was this woman who was a spy and who wanted to find out what was going on and where we were going.. We managed to escape her. It was a cool party ... (read more downstairs)
with "good population", as my friend Adam would say, and we had indeed a good time. After we left, we went to Leicester square, where you can find the worst food in London, to get something to eat.. Falafel was a sane choice I guess.. It was like 4 in the morning and we had this weird yet very attractive idea of going to Oxford. We took the magic bus (that's the Oxford tube) and at around 6 am we were there. The problem in English towns is that the only place you can find open in the morning is Mcdonald's and we really couldn't eat anymore because of the insensible consumption of alcolol, so we layed at a couple of benches under a tree in the main square while light (and not "end of the world", that's a different kind) rain was coming down.. To cut the long story short, we ended up at Starbuck's coffee which finally opened at 9 am. It was probably the best Starbuck's in the uk, as on the first floor it had this very spacious and comfortable room that really reminded me of the coffee places in Greece.. We sat at the best table of the place. It was by the window with view on one of the main streets (the pedestrianized one) and most importantly, there were armchairs which were like a gift from the heavens at that point with our condition not being the best. We hadn't slept for 36 hours. We stayed there for 4 and a half hours and then our friends (the spy, the traitor and two others who were visiting) came to get us. It was probably the best coffee I had in the uk..

At the end, this song was playing.


  1. seriously, are these real stories?

  2. Yeahhhh!!!! We know now what happened that night!!!

    Kind regards,
    the Spy!!

  3. harmonic coalition of an absorbing story and great music....keep on my friend...

  4. This story is true i'm the one visiting guy, the other get drowned this day in oxford by the heavy rain. R.I.P. second visiting guy.

  5. True story i have to say!

    I can't really tell which one was the better experience:the people at the party or the unexpected visit at Oxford.

    A witness





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