Saturday, March 31, 2012


"Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine", says Patti Smith in a sinner way. A man bought a little mouse ... (read more downstairs)
for his cat, so that she would have a pet as well. The cat really liked the mouse; it did all the cat's choirs, it even learnt to purr, growl, hiss and meow. Soon, the cat didn't have to do nothing else but eat and sleep and hang around. The mouse was getting busier day by day, and soon the owner would trust it with all his important business as it would bring them into completion with great success. The cat started to envy that. Was it possible that the mouse could perform the cat's role better than the cat herself? She started being hostile to the mouse which couldn't do anything but be patient and obey the owner's and the cat's orders.. At the end the cat decided to eat the mouse. She really enjoyed it while doing it. Then she felt satisfied and vindicated. The evil mouse was gone for good and her only would be the owner's pet. The owner was angry. He yelled at the cat, as she has wasted a good mouse, since no mouse like that could ever be found again. However, he was left with one fat, lazy, useless, hairy, dirty, unpatriotic, rotten, commie cat and no mouse. And a fat, lazy, useless, hairy, dirty, unpatriotic, rotten, commie* cat is better than a commie rat and of course no cat at all. So, he forgave her and they lived on happily, satisfied and hating each other with love, ever after.   

*unpatriotic, rotten, commie, are adjectives describing a doctor in that case in Motorpsycho nightmare by Bob Dylan..

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