Saturday, April 28, 2012

The blue room
First night at the Gaylord Hotel.. The dream has come true and we were swept off our feet trying to believe where we were and what we were doing... The hotel was ... (read more downstairs)
amazing. Despite all the madness and the craziness and even though we hadn't booked the hockey tickets we wanted, we were able to notice this room at the top of the building, made of glass, not totally trasparent though, with blue beams of light coming out of it! We were astonished! It was a fantastic vision! Magical! Mystical! Extraordinary! Mythical! Marvelous! (Dude, cut it out!) So, where were we? Right, right... We thought it was a millionaire's club. Tha Mr. Gaylord would gather his friends there and hold really cool private parties.. Immediately, the desire to go there was bornand was the only thing we could think about! (well, we usually can't think of more than one thing at a time.. Women can do that. They are much cleverer..)

After the end of the morning sessions of the conference and before lunch, we started exploring the hotel.. It was huge and we got lost a few times.. We were strolling down the corridors kicking around an anti-stress ball which had the shape of the earth and was part of the Mercedes campaign for environmentally friendly cars, wandering around and trying to get closer to the room. It was quite fun to watch our two semi-british friends do what we were also doing.. They were serious guys.. Even Phil, who I believe was having the time of his life! We kept on going for a while until we got rela close..

After several attampts to find a way in, we couldn't reach it. We kept circling it, until some cleaning lady who looked at us in a suspicious way (maybe with a suspicious mind, too.. I guess we couldn't go on together..) told us that the only way to enter was by climbing some ladder and that this room was the building's electricity center...


How lame was that!


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