Saturday, March 31, 2012


"Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine", says Patti Smith in a sinner way. A man bought a little mouse ... (read more downstairs)

Mr. Nick

Τhe devil's name is Mr. Nick. He usually ... (read more downstairs)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Compilation CD

One of the things I love doing is listening to music while driving my car.. It helps ease my mind, gather my thoughts (well, when I happen to have any, which is a rare phenomenon..!).. Sometimes I even take some very important decisions while driving and listening to music.. You know, like, have a coke or an orangeade with dinner.. things like that..! Just kidding!

Anyway, the thing is ... (read more downstairs)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Days of "Flou"

We were having a beer at this bar, that really had a wide range of beers from all around the world, great music and a weird eccentric but nice decoration... We used to go there a lot, but as time went by, more men and less women were going at a point that it started getting annoying... So one night it was like 20 men in there and 2 women (the waitress and some guy's
girlfriend).. It was becoming a gay bar.. We couldn't stand it no more and left. We were thinking of where to go next, and that is when ... (read more downstairs)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

the Gershwin Hotel

So this time we were in New York. We' d just arrived at the Gershwin Hotel (it's a fantastic artistic hotel in Midtown Manhattan, totally recommend it) and this girl was playing the guitar and singing with her magical voice at the hotel cafe-bar.. I was thrilled and left hanging there, ... (read more downstairs)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

on Wednesday

laying on my bed on Wednesday
thinkin' 'bout myself on Wednesday
trusting all my friends on Wednesday
searching for the truth on Wedenesday
swimming in a pool on Wednesday
drifting like a wood on Wednesday
worrying 'bout the government on Wednesday
cultivating hope on Wednesday

not this Wednesday though.. but quite a few others..

Sunday, March 18, 2012

for 12

So, it's time for another story...

We were invited to this party in Stratford (tha's in East London).. We kept it low because we had high expectaions as for what we were about to find there, so only the two adventurers went, even though there was this woman who was a spy and who wanted to find out what was going on and where we were going.. We managed to escape her. It was a cool party ... (read more downstairs)

Friday, March 16, 2012

το μπαρ στην αφρική (1 / 8) - αναδημοσίευση

Είναι η πρώτη από 8 ιστορίες - διηγήσεις που περιγράφουν εν συντομία τη ζωή ενός ...ταξιδιώτη!

the mercy seat

Thursday, March 15, 2012

These foolish things

Last night in London. I've been there for a year and yet never been to this fantastic jazz club in Soho, called "Ronnie Scott's". ... (read more downstairs)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

introducing a new era

You wonder why the times have changed,
you'll never find an answer to that.
But all the while you're not the same
just try to understand,
that all those men and women've cried
& lost their hopes and dreams...
They're all part now of the penny arcade
Wish I could pull them out again


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